To open existing compile form and report file go to(where install form) E:\DevSuiteHome_2\forms\server
copy formsweb.cfg and save as backup
open formsweb.cfg and add the following code at the bottom of the file:
[pos] form=D:\eRestaurant_ISR\USER_LOGON_HONGBAO.fmx # development form,report file location userid=pos/pos@db11g # database connection width=100% height=100% colorscheme=blue pageTitle=POS imagebase=codebase webUtilArchive=frmwebutil.jar,handlemouseevent.jar,keypressed.jar,jacob.jar,handleimage4.jar,ATIButton.jar,keytyped.jar IE=native baseHTMLjinitiator=webutiljpi.htm baseHTMLjpi=webutiljpi.htm #jpi_download_page= jpi_classid=clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0017-ABCDEFFEDCBA jpi_codebase=,6,0,17 jpi_mimetype=application/x-java-applet lookAndFeel=Oracle logo=dekko_logo.gif separateFrame=true render=yes heartbeart=4 envFile=uk.env # edit default.env and rename as uk.env
go to(where install form) E:\DevSuiteHome_2\forms\server
open uk.env and comment and add the following code as follows:
#FORMS_PATH=E:\DevSuiteHome_2\forms FORMS_PATH=D:\eRestaurant_ISR\eInventory;D:\eRestaurant_ISR\eInventory\FORMS;D:\eRestaurant_ISR\eInventory\LOOKUP;D:\eRestaurant_ISR\eInventory\REPORTS;D:\eRestaurant_ISR\eAdmin;
Open safary browser and browse the url:http://SDI-Uzzal:8889/forms/frmservlet?config=pos
Then USER_LOGON_HONGBAO.fmx compile file will open
To view canvas of USER_LOGON_HONGBAO.fmb, open oracle form builder and open file USER_LOGON_HONGBAO.fmb and double click on box icon of canvas text
To view plsql of USER_LOGON_HONGBAO.fmb, open oracle form builder and open file USER_LOGON_HONGBAO.fmb and double click on box icon of forms->forms name and right click and click on plsql block
After editing existing form,report,delete previous compile(.fmx) form/report file and then click on connection and enter user/pass@sid if ok then compile again other wise occur error
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