Custom Module Joomla 1.5

By | January 2nd 2019 11:33:16 AM | viewed 919 times

create a folder with component name and prefix like:mod_onlinetraning

create mod_onlinetraning.xml in the location:mod_onlinetraning/ and add the following code

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<install type="module" version="1.5.0">

  <copyright>Copyright ukmodak 2018</copyright>
  <license>GPL V3 or later</license>
  <description>onlinetraning </description>

    <filename module="mod_onlinetraning">mod_onlinetraning.php</filename>
    <param name="moduleclass_sfx" type="text" default="" label="Module Class Suffix" description="PARAMMODULECLASSSUFFIX" />
    <param name="@spacer" type="spacer" default="" label="" description="" />
    <param name="albumcount" type="text" default="3" label="LABEL ALBUM COUNT" description="DESC ALBUM COUNT" />

create a file index.html in the location:mod_onlinetraning/ and add the following code

<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html>

create a file mod_onlinetraning.php in the location:mod_onlinetraning/ which call helper class and add the following code

//no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

// include the helper file
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base() . 'modules/mod_onlinetraning/css/training.css');

// get a parameter from the module's configuration
$albumCount = $params->get('albumcount');

// get the items to display from the helper
$items = ModOnlinetraningHelper::getCourse($albumCount);

// include the template for display

create a file helper.php in the location:mod_onlinetraning/ which call helper class and add the following code

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

class ModOnlinetraningHelper {
   * Returns a list of albums
  public function getCourse($albumCount) {
    $db = &JFactory::getDBO();

    $query = "SELECT * FROM jos_course where course_status = 'online' ORDER BY course_id desc LIMIT 0,$albumCount";
    $items = $db->loadAssocList();
    return $items;

create a file default.php in the location:mod_onlinetraning/tmpl/ which render html and add the following code

<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // no direct access ?>
<table class="onlinetraning" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >
        <td class="heading" width="65%" align="center">COURSE NAME</td>
        <td class="heading" width="5%" align="center">DURATION</td>
        <td class="heading" width="5%" align="center">PRICE</td>
        <td class="heading" width="10%" align="center">No. of Days</td>
        <td class="heading" width="15%" align="center">REGISTER</td>
<?php foreach ($items as $item) { ?>
     <td align="left">
       <?php echo $item['course_name']; ?>
    <td align="center">
       <?php echo $item['duration']; ?>

    <td align="center">
       <?php echo $item['price']; ?>

    <td align="center">
       <?php echo $item['noofdays']; ?>

     <td align="center">
       <a href="<?php $base_url;?>index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=48&cid=<?php echo $item['course_id']; ?>">enroll now</a>
<?php } ?>

create a file index.html in the location:mod_onlinetraning/tmpl/ and add the following code

<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html>

create a file training.css in the location:mod_onlinetraning/css/ and add the following code

.onlinetraning {width:99%;margin:10px 0 10px 0; border:0px solid #D3D3D3;}
.onlinetraning td.heading{height:30px; background:#EBEBEB; border:1px solid #D3D3D3;}
.onlinetraning td{margin:0; padding:2px 4px;color:cornflowerblue; font-size:11px; border:1px solid #D3D3D3;}


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