requirement: must install jdk(other wise database will not connect )
download and extract zip on on the location: E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\db
double click on setup.exe file
softwate automatically install in the following location:
oracle base:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\db
software location:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\db\oradata
1) select software only
2) select single instance
3) go to start->oracle_19c_home ->database configuration and assistant
4) global database name(SID):ukorcl administrator pass:#admin_111111 administrator cpass:#admin_111111 create a container database->plugable database name:apexukpdb
5) password manager: sys: user:sys pass:sys
6 go to start->oracle_19c_home ->configure and migration Net configuration assistent double click
7 next->next -> no-> finish
8 To check listener go to rum-> cmd->lsnrctl status
9 if not run go to rum-> cmd->lsnrctl start
Database installation complete. now run the following command to know verious info:
cmd>sqlplus /nolog or sqlplus sql>conn sys/sys as sysdba sql>show pdbs; // to show odbs sql>alter session set container=apexukpdb; // select plagable database open sql>select ora_database_name from dual;// to show odbs sql>select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces; // to show table space name sql>show parameter sga; // to check memory use; sql>select COMP_ID, STATUS from DBA_REGISTRY where COMP_ID='APEX'; // to check apex is install or not
10. set environment variable: to connect toad:
ORACLE_HOME:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\db TNS_ADMIN:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\db\network\admin
1 download and install tomcat at least 8.45 version and start
2 download apex 21.2 version and extract at:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\apex_212\
3 using cmd go to apex extract file location :E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\apex_212\apex
4 Run the following command:
E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\apex_212\apex>sqlplus sql>sys as sysdba sql> pass:sys ststus: connected /* // no need the following comment command because this create problem sql>show parameter sga; sql>ALTER SYSTEM SET MEMORY_TARGET =50000M SCOPE =SPFILE; STATUS:SYSTEM ALTER; sql> shut immediate; status: database close; sl> startup */ sql>show pdbs; sql>select COMP_ID, STATUS from DBA_REGISTRY where COMP_ID='APEX'; // to check apex is install or not sql>alter session set container=apexukpdb; sql>alter pluggable database open; sql>select tablespace_name from DBA_TABLESPACES; sql>select COMP_ID, STATUS from DBA_REGISTRY where COMP_ID='APEX'; // to check apex is install or not sql>@apxremov.sql // to uninstall previous version sql>@apexins.sql sysaux sysaux temp /i/; // install apex sys> @apxchpwd.sql // to register apex interner workspace user:admin pass:Apex#2020 sys>@apex_rest_config.sql // to register apex rest services enter password for APEX_LISTENER user:listener_user enter password for APEX_REST_PUBLIC user:public_user sys>ALTER USER APEX_LISTENER IDENTIFIED BY listener_user ACCOUNT UNLOCK; // overwrite previous password sys>ALTER USER APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY public_user ACCOUNT UNLOCK; // overwrite previous password sys>ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER IDENTIFIED BY public_user ACCOUNT UNLOCK; sys>EXEC DBMS_XDB.SETHTTPPORT(8080); sys>select account_status from dba_users where username = 'APEX_PUBLIC_USER'; // to check apex plagable container database status if close then ALTER USER APEX_PUBLIC_USER ACCOUNT UNLOCK; sql>select account_status from dba_users where username = 'ANONYMOUS'; sql>ALTER USER dba_users ACCOUNT UNLOCK; sql>select name, open_mode from v$pdbs; sql>alter session set container=apexukpdb; sql>alter pluggable database apexupdb open; sql>select instance_name from v$instance;
1 download ords 21.2 version and extract at:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\ords_214\
2 Create configuration forder in the location:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\ords_214\config
3 Go to the folowing location and run the the cmd
E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\ords_214>java -jar ords.war enter location:E:\oracle_19c_apex_21_2_ords_21_4\ords_214\config Enter the name of the database server [localhost]: Press 'Enter' Enter the database listen port [1521]: Press 'Enter' Enter 1 to specify the database service name, or 2 to specify the database SID [1]: Press 'Enter' Enter the database service name:apexukpdb // plugable database Enter the database password for ORDS_PUBLIC_USER:public_user // for oracle rest data service schema Confirm password:public_user then bellow message will show: Requires to login with administrator privileges to verify Oracle REST Data Services schema. Enter the administrator username:sys as sysdba // to verify global datase access Enter the database password for sys as sysdba: sys Confirm password: sys then bellow message will show: Connecting to database user: sys as sysdba url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/apexukpdb Retrieving information. Enter 1 if you want to use PL/SQL Gateway or 2 to skip this step. If using Oracle Application Express or migrating from mod_plsql then you must enter 1 [1]: Press 'Enter' Enter the database password for APEX_PUBLIC_USER: Enter password set for APEX_PUBLIC_USER during Oracle APEX 20.2 installation enter APEX_PUBLIC_USER:public_user confirm pass:public_user Enter 1 to specify passwords for Application Express RESTful Services database users (APEX_LISTENER, APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER) or 2 to skip this step [1]: Press 'Enter' Enter the database password for APEX_LISTENER: listener_user Confirm password: listener_user Enter the database password for APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER: public_user Confirm password: public_user Enter a number to select a feature to enable: [1] SQL Developer Web (Enables all features) [2] REST Enabled SQL [3] Database API [4] REST Enabled SQL and Database API [5] None Choose [1]: 1 Enter 1 if you wish to start in standalone mode or 2 to exit [1]: 2 copy ords.war and past to tomcat /webapps/ copy all file and folder from apex/images to /webapps/i/ stop tomcat and start tomcat browse:http://localhost:8080/ords workspace:INTERNAL USER:admin pass:Apex#2020
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