First install tomcat 8.5.39 on any directory as:"tomcat-8539" root folder
Go to intellij ide and click on "run->edit configuration"
"click on + => tomcat server -> local -> server tab -> add name:local tomcat-> click on configuration -> select 'tomcat-8539' folder "
"server tab -> check after launch as chrome -> url:localhost:8080" -> on update option:as udate source class -> on frame detection:as udate source class and other as default -> appy
"deployment tab -> click on + -> click on artifect -> select Gradle:erp:oms.war not exploded ->then auto create contexpath as:/Gradle___erp___oms_war and on server tab url will be as :localhost:8080/Gradle___erp___oms_war[and Gradle___erp___oms_war folder will auto create on tomcat webapps directory] -> apply ->ok
go to intellij -> select local tomcat -> click on debug[an Gradle___erp___oms_war will create on tomcat webapps directory and open url:localhost:8080/Gradle___erp___oms_war]
Note: after any change on gsp page and code on method must run as debug to get update source.
cmd>netstat -ano
cmd>netstat -aon | find "5652" --- if not found then enter on intellij other wise run next cmd
cmd>taskkill /F /PID 2222
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