procedure is a group of PL/SQL statements that can be called by name. The call specification (sometimes called call spec) specifies a java method or a third-generation language routine so that it can be called from SQL and PL/SQL.
The procedure contains a header and a body.
When you want to create a procedure or function, you have to define parameters .There is three ways to pass parameters in procedure:
Sl No | Function | Procedure |
1 | A function has a return type and returns a value. | A procedure does not have a return type. But it returns values using the OUT parameters. |
2 | You cannot use a function with Data Manipulation queries. Only Select queries are allowed in functions. | You can use DML queries such as insert, update, select etc… with procedures. |
3 | A function does not allow output parameters | A procedure allows both input and output parameters. |
4 | You cannot manage transactions inside a function. | You can manage transactions inside a procedure.. |
5 | You cannot call stored procedures from a function | You can call a function from a stored procedure.. |
6 | You can call a function using a select statement. | You cannot call a procedure using select statements. |
create or replace procedure ddlUktable is ddl_qry varchar2(4000); begin ddl_qry := 'CREATE TABLE UKACCOUNT.uktable( id NUMBER(3), name VARCHAR2(50) primary key(id) )'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ddl_qry; end ddlUktable;
CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure UpdateCourse ( name_in IN varchar2 ) IS cnumber number; cursor c1 is SELECT course_number FROM courses_tbl WHERE course_name = name_in; BEGIN open c1; fetch c1 into cnumber; if c1%notfound then cnumber := 9999; end if; INSERT INTO student_courses ( course_name, course_number ) VALUES ( name_in, cnumber ); commit; close c1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20001,'An error was encountered - '||SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM); END;
create or replace procedure VerifyQuerySyntax(p_query in clob, isvalid out integer) is c number; BEGIN c := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; DBMS_SQL.PARSE (c, p_query, DBMS_SQL.Native); DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR (c); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Correct' ); isvalid:=1; --Statement parsed successfully EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN --statement invalid DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Error : ' || Sqlcode||' - '|| sqlerrm ); DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(c); isvalid:=0; END VerifyQuerySyntax; / Declare isValid integer; query varchar2(32767) := 'SELECT * FROM Customer'; Begin VerifyQuerySyntax(query , isValid ); dbms_output.put_line( 'isValid : '||isValid ); End; /
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