Wordpress Plugins Development Link
March 31st 2024 10:38:39 AM
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- Plugin Developer Handbook - The best starting place for learning about how to develop plugins
- WordPress Coding Standards - General information about coding standards for WordPress development
- Debugging in WordPress - Reference and guide for using the built-in debugging system in WordPress.
- Data Validation - A must-read for WordPress plugin authors. Describes the functions used by WordPress to validate and sanitize data. Plugin authors should be familiar with these functions and ideas.
- Plugin Submission and Promotion - Once you have written your plugin, here are some hints on distributing it widely
- Migrating Plugins and Themes - Contains information on how to upgrade your Plugin so it will work from version to version of WordPress
- Function Reference - Complete PHP function reference for WordPress
- Global Variables - A list of all global variables created by WordPress
- Post Types - Creating new types of posts other than the posts that display on the main loop.
- Taxonomies - Creating new types of taxonomies other than the built-in ones.
- Reserved Terms - A list of reserved terms in WordPress.