Vue Progressbar

By ukmodak | May 18th 2022 09:26:00 AM | viewed 381 times

Run the following command:

  npm install vue-progressbar

Add Following code in the location:\resources\js\app.js

import VueProgressBar from "vue-progressbar"

const options = {
  color: '#0000CD',
  failedColor: '#874b4b',
  thickness: '5px',
  transition: {
    speed: '0.2s',
    opacity: '0.6s',
    termination: 300
  autoRevert: true,
  location: 'top',
  inverse: false

Vue.use(VueProgressBar, options)

Create a page ProgressBarBlock.vue in the location:\resources\js\components\block and to Inventory Layout(follow layout tutorial)


export default {
  mounted () {
            //  [App.vue specific] When App.vue is finish loading finish the progress bar
  created () {
           //  [App.vue specific] When App.vue is first loaded start the progress bar
           //  hook the progress bar to start before we move router-view
    this.$router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
              //  does the page we want to go to have a meta.progress object
      if (to.meta.progress !== undefined) {
        let meta = to.meta.progress
             // parse meta tags
           //  start the progress bar
           //  continue to next page
          //  hook the progress bar to finish after we've finished moving router-view
    this.$router.afterEach((to, from) => {
          //  finish the progress bar


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