php 5.3 to 7.2+
MySQL 5.1 to 5.5.3+
MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL are supported database server
Apache,Nginx,Microsoft IIS are supported database Web Server
Download it from
Make a project directory like joomla39 and extract archive file within and keep the project directory in htdocs of the apache web server
Create a database from MySql server
Browse the location http::/localhost/joomla39 and follow the installation step configuration, database,overview
For database configuration select datatype MySql(pdo) and replace sql engine type like MyISAM instead of Innodb from the location:joomlatest\installation\sql\mysql.sql and save file
For overview configuration choose sample data as none and press install
If show successfull installation then click remove installation folder
A configuration.php will automatically created in the root folder
In the database 78 table will create
To browse click on site
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