D:\nodejs_mongodb_project>npm install --save express-validator
Add the following code in the controller
const { check, validationResult } = require('express-validation') exports.admin_regi_add = function (req, res) { check('fullname').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('fullname').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('mobile').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('pword').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('cpword').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('birth').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('sex').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('prefer_con').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('profile_pic').isLength({ min: 3 }), check('email').isEmail() const errors = validationResult(req) if (!errors.isEmpty()) { return res.status(422).json({ errors: errors.array() }) } };
These are validation type
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