c>sqlplus c>user-name:sys as sysdba c>password:sys sql>show user; sql>COLUMN name FORMAT a20; sql>SELECT * FROM all_users; sql>SELECT * FROM all_users; sql>SELECT * FROM user_users; sql>show con_name; // to check connection name to make sure you’re in the correct location, type sql>show pdbs; // to show pluggable database sql>SELECT name, con_id FROM v$pdbs; // to get component id of pluggable database sql>SELECT name as "Service_name" from v$active_services WHERE con_id =3; // to get service name of pluggable database component id sql>alter pluggable database all open; // to open all pluggable database sql>alter pluggable database ukapex close; // to close each pluggable database at all not possible sql> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ukapex ADMIN USER ukapexadmin IDENTIFIED BY ukapexadmin; // to create new pdbs sql>show pdbs; // to show pluggable database SQL> alter pluggable database ukapex OPEN; // to open database sql>show pdbs; // to show pluggable database sql>show con_name; // to check connection name to make sure you’re in the correct location, type sql>alter session set container=ukapex; // To switch to the ukapex pluggable database, sql>show con_name; // to check connection name to make sure you’re in the correct location, type SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; // Before creating a new user, you need to change the database to open by executing the following command: SQL> CREATE USER dekkoaccount IDENTIFIED BY dekkoaccount; // to create a new user for creating the sample database in the pluggable database ukapex SQL> GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, DBA TO dekkoaccount; // grant privileges to the dekkoaccount user SQL> CONNECT dekkoaccount@ukapex; // error:ora-12154: tns: could not resolve the identifier// set listener in tnsnames.ora as follows ukapex_tns = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = SDI-Uzzal)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = ukapex) ) ) // close command and reconnect cmd> lsnrctl start // no ; cmd>lsnrctl reload // again try to connectsql>alter pluggable database open; // pluggable database already open sql>select ora_database_name from dual; // to show open database sql>select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces; // to show table space name sql>show parameter sga; // to check memory use; sql>select COMP_ID, STATUS from DBA_REGISTRY // USER_REGISTRY displays information about the components loaded into the database that are owned by the current user. Column, Datatype, NULL, Description sql>select account_status from dba_users // to all user status sql>ALTER USER APEX_LISTENER IDENTIFIED BY listener_user ACCOUNT UNLOCK; // overwrite previous user and password sql>ALTER USER dba_users ACCOUNT UNLOCK; // problem sql>exit; sql>sqlplus sql>suer-name: sys as sysdba // no ; sql>password:sys sql>conn hongbao/hongbao@commonpdbs_tns; // connected sql>select account_status from dba_users where username = 'hongbao'; // no row selected sql>select name, open_mode from v$pdbs; // plugable database status sql>select instance_name from v$instance; // show sid sql>exit;
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