procedure is a group of PL/SQL statements that can be called by name. The call specification (sometimes called call spec) specifies a java method or a third-generation language routine so that it can be called from SQL and PL/SQL.
The procedure contains a header and a body.
When you want to create a procedure or function, you have to define parameters .There is three ways to pass parameters in procedure:
Sl No | Function | Procedure |
1 | A function has a return type and returns a value. | A procedure does not have a return type. But it returns values using the OUT parameters. |
2 | You cannot use a function with Data Manipulation queries. Only Select queries are allowed in functions. | You can use DML queries such as insert, update, select etc… with procedures. |
3 | A function does not allow output parameters | A procedure allows both input and output parameters. |
4 | You cannot manage transactions inside a function. | You can manage transactions inside a procedure.. |
5 | You cannot call stored procedures from a function | You can call a function from a stored procedure.. |
6 | You can call a function using a select statement. | You cannot call a procedure using select statements. |
The PL/SQL stored procedure or simply a procedure is a PL/SQL block which performs one or more specific tasks.
create or replace function UKACCOUNT.adder(n1 in number, n2 in number) return number is n3 number(8); begin n3 :=n1+n2; return n3; end; / // cal function DECLARE n3 number(2); BEGIN n3 := UKACCOUNT.adder(11,22); dbms_output.put_line('Addition is: ' || n3); END; / // declare and call in one block --problem DECLARE a number; b number; c number; create or replace FUNCTION ukaccount.findMax2(x IN number, y IN number) RETURN number IS z number; BEGIN IF x > y THEN z:= x; ELSE Z:= y; END IF; RETURN z; END; BEGIN a:= 23; b:= 45; c := ukaccount.findMax2(a, b); dbms_output.put_line(' Maximum of (23,45): ' || c); END; /
CREATE OR REPLACE function DALERP.get_care_language_translation (p_care_label_id number,P_language_code varchar2) return NVARCHAR2 is cursor all_fabrication is select a1.sl_no, a1.ENGLISH,a1.FABRIC_PERCNT from ( select a.sl_no,A.LANGUAGE ENGLISH,to_char(a.FABRIC_PERCNT) FABRIC_PERCNT From CARE_LABEL_FABRICATION a where A.MASTER_ID=p_care_label_id and LANGUAGE is not null union all select 99 sl_no,english,'' FABRIC_PERCNT from CARE_LANGUAGES where id=(select decode(IS_PART_OF_SETS,460,460,null) from CARE_LABEL_MASTER where ID=P_Care_Label_Id) union all select 100 sl_no,english,'' FABRIC_PERCNT from CARE_LANGUAGES where id=(select decode(EXCLUSIVE_TRIM,418,418,null) from CARE_LABEL_MASTER where ID=P_Care_Label_Id) )a1 order by sl_no asc; cursor all_wash is select sl_no,ENGLISH from ( select a.sl_no,(A.INSTRUCTION) ENGLISH From CARE_LABEL_WASH_INSTRUCTION a where A.MASTER_ID=p_care_label_id and A.INSTRUCTION is not null ) order by sl_no asc; v_fabrication NVARCHAR2(1000); v_translation1 NVARCHAR2(1000); v_1st_time number; v_wash NVARCHAR2(1000); v_translation2 NVARCHAR2(1000); v_final_translation NVARCHAR2(1000); begin v_translation1:=''; v_1st_time:=0; for j in all_fabrication loop BEGIN select decode(j.FABRIC_PERCNT,null,upper(substr(max(nvl(TRANSLATIONS,'.....')),1,1)) || substr(max(nvl(TRANSLATIONS,'.....')),2,9999),j.FABRIC_PERCNT||'% ' || upper(substr(max(nvl(TRANSLATIONS,'.....')),1,1)) || substr(max(nvl(TRANSLATIONS,'.....')),2,9999)) into v_fabrication from TESCO_CARE_LANGUAGES_V a where a.ENGLISH=j.english and a.language_code=P_language_code; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_fabrication :='.....'; END; if v_1st_time=0 then v_translation1:=v_fabrication; v_1st_time:=1; else v_translation1:=concat(concat(v_translation1,' / '),v_fabrication); end if; end loop; for i in all_wash loop BEGIN select nvl(TRANSLATIONS,'.....') into v_wash from TESCO_CARE_LANGUAGES_V a where trim(upper(a.english))=trim(upper(i.english)) and language_code=P_language_code; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_wash :='.....'; END; if v_1st_time=0 then v_translation2:=v_wash; v_1st_time:=1; else v_translation2:=concat(concat(v_translation2,' / '),v_wash); end if; end loop; v_final_translation:=v_translation1|| v_translation2; return trim(v_final_translation); end; /
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