Drupal 8 Installation

By ukmodak | March 31st 2024 10:29:27 AM | viewed 810 times


php 5.5 to 7.3 but 5.6 is better

MySQL 5.5.3 to 8

MySQL,SQLite,PostgreSQL,MariaDB,Percona,Microsoft SQL,MongoDB are supported database server

Apache,Nginx,Microsoft IIS,Hiawatha are supported database Web Server

Install Drupal 8 from archive file

Download it from https://www.drupal.org/download

Extract archive file and rename it as you like and keep the project directory in htdocs of the apache web server

Create a database from MySql server

Browse the location http::/localhost/projectname and follow the installation step

Install Drupal 8 by composer

Create a database from MySql server

Run the following command to download core

  htdocs > composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev my_site_name_dir --stability dev --no-interaction

Browse the location http::/localhost/projectname/site and follow the installation step

Run the following command to download a module or theme

htdocs/drupalproject> composer require drupal/consol:~1.0 –prefer-dist –optimize-autoloader
htdocs/drupalproject> composer require "drupal/address ~1.0"
htdocs/drupalproject> composer update drupal/address --with-dependencies
htdocs/drupalproject> composer require commerceguys/intl
htdocs/drupalproject> composer update

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