php 5.5 to 7.3 but 5.6 is better
MySQL 5.5.3 to 8
MySQL,SQLite,PostgreSQL,MariaDB,Percona,Microsoft SQL,MongoDB are supported database server
Apache,Nginx,Microsoft IIS,Hiawatha are supported database Web Server
Download it from
Extract archive file and rename it as you like and keep the project directory in htdocs of the apache web server
Create a database from MySql server
Browse the location http::/localhost/projectname and follow the installation step
Create a database from MySql server
Run the following command to download core
htdocs > composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev my_site_name_dir --stability dev --no-interaction
Browse the location http::/localhost/projectname/site and follow the installation step
Run the following command to download a module or theme
htdocs/drupalproject> composer require drupal/consol:~1.0 –prefer-dist –optimize-autoloader htdocs/drupalproject> composer require "drupal/address ~1.0" htdocs/drupalproject> composer update drupal/address --with-dependencies htdocs/drupalproject> composer require commerceguys/intl htdocs/drupalproject> composer update
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