Run the following command in order to create the required middleware
D:\xampp_726\htdocs\bazar> php artisan make:middleware Localization
Then open it. The file should be in "bazar/app/Http/Middleware/Localization.php and update the following code:
public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if(\Session::has('locale')) { \App::setlocale(\Session::get('locale')); } return $next($request); }
Lets say you want your website to be in English and French.
Go to "bazar/resources/lang/en/" Create a file name "messages.php" Create folder "fr" in "bazar/resources/lang/" Create a file name "messages.php" in "bazar/resources/lang/fr/"
Open "messages.php" in en folder and insert the following codes.
return [ 'welcome'=> 'Welcome to our application' ];
Open "messages.php" in fr folder and insert the following codes.
return [ 'welcome' => 'Bienvenue sur notre application' ];
Add the below codes in "bazar/app/Http/Kernel.php" in "protected $middlewareGroups section".
Now add following code in the route, "bazar/routes/web.php" on top of other defined routes.
Route::get('locale/{locale}', function ($locale){ Session::put('locale', $locale); return redirect()->back(); });
Add this in the page template
To change the language, just create an anchor tag in html like the following :
<li><a href="{{ url('locale/en') }}" ><i class="fa fa-language"> EN</a></li> <li><a href="{{ url('locale/fr') }}" ><i class="fa fa-language"> FR</a></li>
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