Command List

By | June 5th 2019 01:09:04 PM | viewed 10903 times
  1. grails bug-report--The bug-report command packages up the sources of your application (excluding jars, static resources etc.) into a ZIP file. The file name includes the application name and a timestamp
  2. grails clean--The clean command deletes all compiled resources from the application. Since Groovy is a compiled language, as with Java, this is sometimes useful to clear old instances of classes and ensure correct compilation
  3. grails compile--The compile command executes the compile phase of the Grails pre-packaging process, which compiles Groovy and Java sources
  4. grails console--Starts an instance of the Swing graphical Groovy console with an initialized Grails runtime
  5. grails create-app--This command creates a Grails application using the name specifed by the user
  6. grails create-command--The create-command command creates a new Grails Gradle task and shell command that can be run with the grails command from a terminal window.
  7. grails create-controller--The create-controller command creates a controller and associated unit test for the given base name
  8. grails create-domain-class--The create-domain-class command creates a domain and associated integration test for the given base name.
  9. grails create-functional-test--The create-functional-test command creates a Geb functional test for the given base name.
  10. grails create-hibernate-cfg-xml--The create-hibernate-cfg-xml command will create a hibernate.cfg.xml file for custom Hibernate mappings
  11. grails create-integration-test--The create-integration-test command creates an integration test for the given base name
  12. grails create-interceptor--The create-interceptor command creates an interceptor and associated unit test for the given base name.
  13. grails create-plugin--The create-plugin command creates a Grails plugin project.
  14. grails create-profile--This command will create a profile project with an appropriate Gradle build that can be published to your local Maven cache or a Maven repository
  15. grails create-script--The create-script command creates a new Grails code generation script that can be run with the grails command from a terminal window.
  16. grails create-service--The create-service command creates a Grails service class and associated unit test for the given base name
  17. grails create-taglib--The create-taglib command creates a tag library and associated unit test for the given base name
  18. grails create-unit-test--The create-unit-test command creates a unit test for the given base name
  19. grails dependency-report--The dependency-report command generates Ivy reports showing JAR dependencies required by the application.
  20. grails docs--Generates a user guide and Javadoc + Groovydoc API documentation for the current Grails project.
  21. grails generate-all--Generates a controller, views, and a controller unit test for the given domain class
  22. grails generate-controller--Generates a controller and associated unit test for the given domain class
  23. grails generate-views--Generates GSP views for the given domain class
  24. grails help--Displays Grails command line help
  25. grails install-templates--Copies the the templates used by Grails during code generation to your project directory
  26. grails grails list-plugins--Lists the available plugins
  27. grails list-profiles--Lists the available profiles
  28. grails package-plugin--Packages a plugin as a JAR archive which can then be installed into another application
  29. grails package--Runs the packaging phase of Grails' runtime. This is mainly useful when used by other scripts
  30. grails plugin-info--Displays detailed info about a plugin
  31. grails profile-info--Displays detailed info about a profile
  32. grails run-app--Runs a Grails application in an embedded servlet container
  33. grails run-command--Execute Grails Commands defined in grails-app/commands or in plugins
  34. grails run-script--Execute Groovy script(s) in the context of a Grails environment.
  35. grails schema-export--Uses Hibernate’s SchemaExport tool to generate DDL or export the schema.
  36. grails shell--Starts an instance of the Groovy terminal shell with an initialized Grails runtime.
  37. grails stats--Displays basic statistics about the current Grails application, including number of files, line count and so on
  38. grails stop-app--Stops a running Grails application in an embedded servlet container.
  39. grails test-app--Runs all Grails unit and integration tests and generates reports.
  40. grails war--The war command creates a Web Application Archive (WAR) file which can be deployed on any Java EE compliant application server.

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