Woocommerce Free Plugins info

By ukmodak | March 31st 2024 10:38:39 AM | viewed 841 times
Sl Plugins Functionality
1 woocommerce for add product,categories,tags,attrubutes
for view customer order,order report status,coupon, setting(general,product,shipping,tax,payment,email list and set sender email,advanced), status,extension
2 woocommerce-pages for cart,checkout,myaccount,shop pages and menus
3 woocommerce-pdf-invoices for create pdf report of invoice
4 woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout for paypal checkout service
5 woocommerce-services for direct bank,check payment,cash on delivery services
6 amazon-web-services for amazon services
7 WooCommerce Products Filter to filter products by categories, attributes, product tags, product custom taxonomies, and price.
8 YITH WooCommerce Wishlist wishlist plugin allows your customers to save products to their wishlist
9 WooCommerce Products Slider WooCommerce Products Slider allows you to easily create beautiful product sliders and carousels and add them anywhere on your WooCommerce store
10 WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor plugin allows you to easily add, customize, and rearrange fields on the checkout page of your online store
11 woocommerce-unit-of-measure.2.4.4/quantities-and-units-for-woocommerce.1.0.13 WooCommerce Unit Of Measure allows you to add a unit of measure (UOM), or any text you require after the price in WooCommerce
12 WooCommerce Multilingual Translate all WooCommerce products (simple, variable, grouped, external)
Note: No free multistore plugins

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